About the BTS

The British Transplantation Society is the professional voice of transplantation in the UK.

It is the only Society that represents all professionals involved in transplantation in the UK and we strongly encourage all those working in this field to become members to enable us to be truly representative of our wide community, for the benefit of patients.

The BTS is actively involved in informing strategies that impact on organ donation and transplantation across the UK; commenting to the media on relevant issues; and developing the scientific, clinical and ethical practices that promote the best care and outcomes for patients.

The voice of transplantation professionals in the UK, providing leadership, representation and guidance for the benefit of patients

This purpose is supported by six strategic objectives:



To advance scientific and clinical research and innovation relevant to the practice of transplantation.



To influence public opinion and operational strategy relevant to transplantation.



To promote excellence in professional standards and ethics across the multi-disciplinary transplant community.



To contribute to the advancement of transplantation, from organ donation to long-term follow up, to maximize patient and transplant outcomes for all organs.


To support transplant professionals to sustain individual and workforce resilience.


To collaborate with relevant groups and individuals to ensure that the professional transplant community maintains a focus on health inequalities and what matters to patients to live well with a transplant.

BTS Membership

Our membership is open to everyone working professionally in the field of transplantation, whatever your role. It includes clinicians from a wide range of specialities, basic scientists, scientists working in Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, nurses, donor coordinators, professions allied to medicine and ethicists and more.

There are significant opportunities and professional benefits for members and we strongly encourage all those working in the field to join us to ensure that we are truly representative of the sector and to help make our voice even stronger.




“Our vision is to be the professional voice of transplantation in the UK, representing all the disciplines of the transplantation community and developing scientific, clinical and ethical practice for the benefit of patients.”

“The aim of the Society is to advance the study of the biological and clinical problems of tissue and organ transplantation, to facilitate contact between persons interested in transplantation, and to make new knowledge available to any person for the general good of the community.”