Active Guidelines & Standards

Guidelines Title

Date of publication

Date of review

Published Version

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Measles: guidance on the care of children and adults in receipt of, or on the waiting-list for, solid organ transplantation

June 2024

June 2026

Detection of alloantibodies in solid organ (and islet) transplantation

APOL1 testing in Potential Living Kidney Donors

Transplantation from deceased donors after circulatory death

Management of the Patient with a Failing Kidney Transplant

UK Guideline on Imlifidase Enabled Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation

Jan 2023


Prevention and management of CMV disease after solid organ transplantation

Jul 2022


UK Guidelines on Pancreas and Islet Transplantation

Sep 2019

Guidelines for Living Donor Kidney Transplantation

March 2018

Hepatitis B and Solid Organ Transplantation

March 2018

Hepatitis E (HEV) and Solid Organ Transplantation

April 2017


Post-operative care of the kidney transplant recipient (RA; endorsed by BTS)

Feb 2017


Nephron Clin Pract 2011; 118 (suppl 1): c311–48

BTS Guideline Development Policy

May 2021


Antibody Incompatible Transplantation Guideline

Dec 2015


Living Donor Liver Transplantation

Jul 2015


Transplantation 2016;
100: 1184-90

Kidney and pancreas transplantation in patients with HIV (joint with BHIVA)

Mar 2015


Detection and characterisation of clinically relevant antibodies in allotransplantation (joint with BSHI)

Jun 2014


Liver transplantation for patients with non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (joint with BGS)

Apr 2011


Gut 2012; 61: 484–500


These guidelines are only guides to best practice which inevitably changes with passage of time. All practitioners need to undertake clinical care on an individualised basis and keep themselves up to date with changes in practice of clinical medicine.

The British Transplantation Society guidelines (“the Guidelines”) have been compiled by working parties of the British Transplantation Society.

The Guidelines represent the collective opinions of a number of experts in the field and do not have the force of law.

The Guidelines contain information/guidance for use by practitioners as a best practice tool.  It follows that the Guidelines should be interpreted to the spirit rather than the letter of their contents. The opinions presented in the Guidelines are subject to change and should not be considered to be a treatment recommendation for any individual patient.

The British Transplantation Society cannot attest to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the opinions contained herein and does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage caused to any practitioner or any third party as a result of any reliance being placed on the Guidelines or as a result of any inaccurate or misleading opinion contained in the Guidelines”.


NHSBT Standards and Guidelines

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