The British Association for Renal Transplant Anaesthesia (BARTA) was founded in 2022 as a community of practice to enhance skills, share expertise, guide and educate anaesthetists involved in renal transplantation.

This society has been set up by consultant anaesthetists in the UK with expertise in renal transplantation. We are a not-for-profit, scholarly and professional organisation.

Core aims

  • To promote effective patient-centred anaesthetic- and perioperative care for people requiring a renal transplant and their donors;
  • To guide best practice by creating consensus and guidance around anaesthesia for renal transplantation based on the available evidence;
  • To provide a platform for discussion about anaesthetic issues in renal transplant patients and live donors;
  • To enhance education, and expand the conversation, around anaesthesia for renal transplantation.


  • To promote excellence and best practice in anaesthesia and perioperative care for renal transplantation.


  • Multidisciplinary discussion
  • Education and Training
  • Audit & Research
  • Lead national pathways & guidance, e.g. renal transplantation in the high-risk recipient
  • Provide a platform for conversation about anaesthetic issues in renal transplant patients


BARTA membership is open to all medical and allied healthcare professionals interested in renal transplant anaesthesia, including (but not limited to) consultant anaesthetists of any seniority, staff grade anaesthetists, anaesthetic trainees, anaesthesia nurse specialists/practitioners and anaesthetic associates.

As a society upholding a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach, BARTA membership is open to nephrologists, surgeons/urologists, radiologists, nurses, trainees, medical students, technicians, researchers and any other health care professionals interested in renal transplant anaesthesia both in the UK and internationally. BARTA is open to a professional conversation, and potential collaborations, with non-renal transplant anaesthetists if this furthers the interests of BARTA and of the patients we serve.

Currently membership is free.

Member Benefits

  • Information on, updates about, and invitations to upcoming scientific meetings
  • Access to a network of experts in anaesthesia for renal transplant patients
  • Career Advice
  • News about suitable Fellowships and posts
  • Access to shared materials, links, and meeting content including state of the art lectures and complex case discussion
  • 50% reduction in the cost of individual membership to the BTS,appropriate to salary and grade according to BTS membership pricing structure. Congress and meeting fees remain consistent with BTS members’ rates;
  • Full benefit of BTS membership provided that they are registered and paid up members of BTS.


  • Case/MDT discussions cannot constitute formal clinical opinion
  • Terms of reference should be reviewed every three years


Nicoletta Fossati

Vanessa Tucker