Council Strategy meeting report

At the first meeting of the BTS executive following on from a very successful Congress in Bournemouth in March 2015, it was decided that a review of the strategy of the Society was timely.

The executive decided to run a Council strategy day in June, with two aims:
1) To improve Council engagement in the work of the Society
2) To define priorities for the BTS over the next four years

Each council member was invited to submit three slides:
1) What are the priorities of the BTS for the next 4 years?
2) What good things about the Society would you keep?
3) What would you change?

Nineteen council members were invited to respond, 14 submitted slides. The responses were collated prior to the strategy away day held on 29th June, and fed back to Council. Four workstreams were identified and were discussed in four groups during the afternoon.

The discussions were then fed back to Council, and are contained in this report. The workstreams that were identified were:
1) Congress
2) Representation
3) Communication
4) Education and collaboration