BTS Annual Congress 2022
Same Congress, same venue, same celebration… just a little later in the year!
“Given the current uncertainty about COVID-19, the BTS Executive and Council have taken the opportunity to reschedule the BTS 50th Anniversary Congress 2022 to 5th-7th September 2022 (from 2-4th March). We are delighted that Belfast ICC could accommodate a ‘like for like’ meeting in September, allowing us to offer all the benefits of a face to face BTS Congress when more people will be available to attend and enjoy it.
Commit these dates to your diary now and let’s celebrate 50 years of BTS and being together again in Belfast!”
Watch vox pops from the conference on
FAQ’s Congress 2022
Will the meeting be at the same venue?
Yes- we will still hold the Congress at Belfast ICC
Will my registration carry over to the rescheduled Congress?
Yes- you do not need to do anything if you have already registered for the meeting. It will automatically be switched to the new Congress dates
If I have booked travel and accommodation for the meeting, what should I do now?
- Invited speakers: If the secretariat has booked your travel and/or accommodation, any travel and/or accommodation bookings for the new dates will be transferred for you subject to your confirmation.
- If you have booked your own travel and/or accommodation, please contact the travel company and hotel directly to transfer your bookings. Unfortunately, BTS cannot refund any costs incurred as a result of transferring bookings but we would expect most companies to be sympathetic to re-booking, given the circumstances. If not, and you have travel insurance, you may be able to make a claim if COVID-19 related cancellations are included in your policy.
If I have had an abstract accepted for BTS 2022, will it remain in the same session, day and time in the rescheduled Congress?
Yes- the configuration of the meeting will be the same so it should not be necessary to change the time of your talk. The BTS events team at the secretariat will contact you directly to confirm. New deadline dates will be advised before the 21st of January
Will there be any change to the awards/award sessions?
No- the same process will be in place as in previous years for each of the awards routinely associated with BTS Congress- Medawar, Calne-Williams, Roy Calne, Herrick and AHP awards. Awards will be presented at the Congress as usual, including the Lifetime Achievement Award as part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations
I have been invited to speak at the congress?
The secretariat team will be contacting you to discuss participation in September.
I am sponsoring/exhibiting at the congress?
The secretariat team will contact you to discuss the arrangements for the new dates.
When and how will the BTS election results be made known to the membership?
So that we keep to our usual timetable for succession planning for Council and Committees, we plan to run a virtual AGM following a f2f Council meeting during the first week in March (date to be confirmed) to ratify the outcome of elections and announce successors to current Council and Committee members. All members will have an opportunity to attend the AGM and to submit items for discussion. We will confirm arrangements as soon as we have an agreed date and time.
Will this impact on the timing of the Joint OTDT/BTS Congress in 2023?
No- we will continue to plan towards the joint Congress with OTDT in Edinburgh, in March 2023.
I can’t find the answer to the question I have here. Who should I contact?
Please email the if you have a query that is not answered here
The theme of the Congress is ‘Back to the Future’ and, over the course of three days, we aim to bring you a unique experience featuring all your favourite content – keynote speakers, award-winning sessions, the return of our Educational Symposia and international perspectives. We have also introduced a dedicated ‘Postgraduate Course’ to engage with our trainees and build for the future.
The Congress also happens to be an Anniversary celebration of 50 years of the BTS and we have put together an exciting programme with a tour through our history and special features that will be revealed on the day! We also have invited international guests from the Indian Society of Transplantation (ISOT) and the Liver Transplant Society of India (LTSI) to join us for the Congress and Anniversary celebrations.
BTS Annual Congress 2022 “Back to the Future”
5th-7th September 2022, ICC Belfast.
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BTS Congress