Renal Pregnancy Symposium 2023

Course Description

An annual symposium to showcase recent developments in Obstetric Medicine for Nephrologists, Obstetricians, Obstetric Physicians and Midwives. The course details evidence-based management for females with kidney disease who are pregnant or planning pregnancy, including the latest in assisted reproductive technology. In this platform, speakers from leading institutions in the UK and Europe will share their expert experiences.

Educational aims

The course will cover the following themes:

  • Pre-pregnancy Planning
  • Assisted Reproductive Technology for females with CKD
  • Obstetric Challenges & Midwifery care for high-risk complex females with CKD
  • Pregnancy care in specific renal conditions including transplant, dialysis, lupus and diabetes.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the one-day course, the attendees will have gained insight to:

  • Delivery of a shared decision-making approach to pre-pregnancy counselling
  • State-of-the-art technology for assisted reproduction
  • Evidence-based obstetric care in CKD
  • Superimposed pre-elcampsia in CKD

A full itinerary can be found in the course programme.

Registrations now open