Tag Archive for: Events

ESOT Webinar: Home Sweet Home

Monday 20 July, 18:00 – 19:00 CEST

How can liver transplant patients enjoy an improved quality of life whilst being compliant with their therapy and avoiding viral infection?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, transplant patients and clinicians have been faced with considerable challenges. In particular, immunosuppressed HBV liver transplant patients are required to receive on-going therapy to prevent HBV recurrence. To achieve comprehensive protection, it is recommended that patients, particularly those in the high-risk category, are administered a combination of antivirals and Hepatitis B-specific hyperimmunoglobulins (HBIG).

The intravenous and intramuscular administration of HBIG requires HBV liver transplant patients to visit the hospital and infusion ward, meaning patients are exposed to the risk of contracting COVID-19 through increased contact with both healthcare professionals, care-givers and other patients.

Subcutaneous administration offers an alternative option that allows the patient to administer HBIG by themselves at home. This ensures the patient receives essential medication without coming in to contact with others, which both reduces the patients’ risk of exposure to COVID-19 and allows healthcare professionals to focus on COVID-19 patients. Moreover, with therapy from home, comes greater flexibility and freedoms which increases compliance and quality of life for the patient.

ESOT, together with BIOTEST, is organising this webinar to discuss how immunosuppressed transplant patients can be kept safe from HBV-reinfection and COVID-19, whilst enjoying an improved quality of life, through self-administration of subcutaneous HBIG at home.

Join us and panellists Professor Jean Hardwigsen and Dr Riccardo Volpesto learn more.




Year of the Nurse & Midwife

ETAHP (European Transplant Allied Health Professionals), this is a committee of the ESOT (European Society for Organ Transplantation).

Our aim is to unite allied healthcare professionals throughout Europe to ensure the best possible care to all transplant patients, with the aim to optimize patient outcomes.
Because this year is the year of the nurse we would like to make a collection of all nurse researchers and their research in the field of transplantation in Europe.  This to get a clear picture what kind of research there is in our field and also to make a stronger network. We want to share this collection on our webpage and the social media pages of ESOT.
If you want to be included in this collection please send me your information below:
  • Picture of yourself
  • Email (only for me to contact you, we will not share this)
  • Name
  • Title
  • Degree
  • Occupation/Specialty
  • Affiliation/department
  • Hospital/University
  • City of your hospital/university
  • Field of research
  • List of your publications

We are also looking for new board members especially in the pediatric field of transplantation, feel free to contact me on the email address above.

On behalf of the ETAHP committee thank you very much for your cooperation.
Marleen van Buren
Nurse Practitioner/ PhD candidate
Internal Medicine
Nephrology & Kidney Transplantation




Liver transplantation and COVID-19

Monday 13 July – 18:00-19:00 CEST

A joint ESOT, EASL & ILTS Project

ESOT, EASL and ILTS are proud to announce a joint initiative on the impact of COVID-19 on liver transplantation, with a joint survey focusing on liver transplant candidates and waiting lists.

With this webinar, we will launch this important collaboration: ESOT, EASL and ILTS speakers will discuss the effects of the pandemic on liver transplantation in Europe and in the United States as well as the response of medical societies in regard to education.



Prepping the Kidney Transplants of the Future

Monday 6 July – 18:00-19:00 CEST

The promise of xenotransplantation

Building on the rapidly evolving field of xenotransplantation for treatment of heart failure, this webinar will expand the discussion also to patients with kidney failure, and discuss the regulatory hurdles, selection criteria and endpoints that are anticipated for clinical xenotransplant trials.

Lorna Marson and Stefan Schneeberger are the session leaders for this webinar that features an all-star cast of specialist speakers.



Exam for Transplantation Medicine

The upcoming Exam for Transplantation Medicine will be held every other year in connection with the ESOT Congress 2021, which will take place in Milan, Italy from 29th August to 1st September 2021.

The candidate must have a minimum of 2 years of training in transplantation medicine.
For more information regarding eligibility criteria, application and examination process please visit uemssurg.org

or contact

Susanne Beckebaum
Chair of the European Board of Transplantation Medicine (EBTM)

Speranta Iacob
Senior Secretary of the European Board of Transplantation Medicine (EBTM)




The 10th Edition of the Master Class in Liver Disease Series.



Transcending Barriers in Living Donor Liver Transplantation

ITC Grand Chola, Chennai, India.
28th, 29th February and 1st March 2020.

This meeting is being organized jointly in association with the Liver Transplant Society of India (LTSI), the pan-Indian organisation for liver transplant professionals.

MCLD’s 10th Edition aims to discuss and debate a wide range of challenges in current Living Donor Liver Transplantation practice including ‘too-sick to transplant’ recipients, controversial indications, marginal live liver donors, and challenging postoperative situations.


For further information, and to register, please visit the website below.



15th International Conference on Nephrology and Hypertension

November 11-12, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey

Theme: New advances for prevention/treatment in the field of Nephrology and Hypertension

For more information please use the link below.





16th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation

29th September – 2nd October 2019

CAST 2019 Registration & Abstract Emailer 27-6-2019


For more information please use the link below.




Grafts & Facts – the ESOT Bulletin – May 2019








Registration and Call for Papers for the BTS and NHSBT Joint Congress Now Open

Registration & Call for Papers for The BTS and NHSBT joint congress at the Harrogate Convention Centre from Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th March 2019 is now open.

To find out more information go the Annual Congress area using the link below.
