Year of the Nurse
ETAHP (European Transplant Allied Health Professionals) is a committee of the ESOT (European Society for Organ Transplantation).
Our aim is to unite allied healthcare professionals throughout Europe to ensure the best possible care to all transplant patients, with the aim to optimize patient outcomes.
Because this year is the year of the nurse ( ) we would like to make a collection of all nurse researchers and their research in the field of transplantation in Europe. This to get a clear picture what kind of research there is in our field and also to make a stronger network. We want to share this collection on our webpage and the social media pages of ESOT.
If you want to be included in this collection please send me your information below:
- Picture of yourself
- Email (only for me to contact you, we will not share this)
- Name
- Title
- Degree
- Occupation/Specialty
- Affiliation/department
- Hospital/University
- City of your hospital/university
- Field of research
- List of your publications
Send to
We are also looking for new board members especially in the pediatric field of transplantation, feel free to contact me on the email address above.
On behalf of the ETAHP committee thank you very much for your cooperation.
Marleen van Buren
Nurse Practitioner/ PhD candidate
Internal Medicine
Nephrology & Kidney Transplantation
Nurse Practitioner/ PhD candidate
Internal Medicine
Nephrology & Kidney Transplantation