Education Committee

Elected Members

Caroline Dudreuilh
Term 2023-2026

Hussein A Khambalia
Term 2023-2026

Katie Morley
Term 2024-2027

Jack Galliford
Term 2023-2026

Catherine Boffa
Term 2022-2025


The British Transplantation Society Transplant Training and Education Committee is responsible for advising Council on training and education issues, promoting excellence in transplant training and education and promoting transplantation as a career choice.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Provide advice to Council on training issues that pertain predominantly to surgeons and physicians
  • Provide advice to Council on education issues that pertain to all aspects of transplantation
  • Provide input, review and monitoring of transplant components of national training curricula
  • Promotion of clinical transplantation as a career to undergraduate and postgraduates
  • Review options and develop process for BTS endorsement of training and education courses and materials
  • Provide input to curricula for transplantation courses
  • Consider role of providing support with construction of job description
  • Ensure that training issues in transplant medicine and cardiothoracic surgery are dealt either through external training committees with input from the BTS or by this committee


The committee will consist of four consultant members elected by the society in a free ballot. This will be organised by the Civica Election Services to coincide with all the other elections of the BTS. The tenure of membership shall be three years from the next BTS annual congress.

Therefore, in every four year cycle, there will be 3 years with one vacant seat for election and one year with 2 seats. Members shall be eligible for re-election for a further 3 year term.

The committee will choose the chair from amongst the elected members by single transferable vote organised by the outgoing chair person at least 6 months before he or she retires. Potential candidates can self nominate for the position. The chair shall have tenure for three years commencing from the date of the next AGM of the BTS at the annual congress. He or she will not be eligible for re-election for a period of three years. Therefore, the committee will have either 4 or 5 members, including the chair, at any one time, depending on the seniority of the chair when he or she was elected. The chair, or their nominated deputy, will represent the Society on the Education & Training Board of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland , and any other relevant national committee.

The committee will co-opt 2 members of the Herrick Society and up to 2 other members as appropriate from the BTS membership or outside the membership to represent relevant interests and if specialist advice is required. Members may also be co-opted such as to recognise the broad representative balance of specialist interests of the society. If the committee wishes to co-opt more than two other members, this should first be approved by Council.

Members will be required to complete an annual Declaration of Interests

The committee will meet at least three times per year and report on its activities to the Executive and Council of the BTS through the chair. A written report should be produced for each meeting of Council, which should include activity for each of the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ as listed above. Authorized meeting notes shall be kept in the Members Only area of the website.

These terms of reference shall be reviewed after three years.