Chapter of Surgeons

Rebeca Sanabria Mateos

Adult and paediatric liver transplant surgeon at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, with an interest in organ utilisation and ERAS pathway in liver transplantation.

Rebeca Sanabria Mateos is Consultant Transplant Surgeon & Clinical Lead for Transplantation at Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London.

He attended medical school in Antwerp, Belgium and Rotterdam, Netherlands. He qualified from Erasmus MC University cum laude. He completed his PhD (cum laude) at Harvard Medical School and Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Mr Dor undertook his general surgery and transplant surgery training at Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands.


The British Society Transplantation Chapter of Transplant Surgeons (CoTS) is a forum for all surgical members of the Society.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Provide a professional “voice” for transplant surgeons within the United Kingdom and identify areas which impact on the unique way surgeons in Transplantation work
  • Considering current surgical issues in organ donation and transplant to assist the Society in having an agreed position in these areas.
  • To work closely with the Herrick Society and the Education Committee (EC) to identify and resolve issues which impact on Transplant Surgery training and clinical practice.
  • To run an annual meeting. These will alternate between a standalone thematic meeting to bring together the wider transplant surgical community (Year 1) and a session at the Annual Congress to focus specifically on surgical issues (Year 2)
  • Provide views and “horizon scan” on surgical issues of specific relevance to the Transplant Surgeon
  • Provide an avenue for transplant surgeons to discuss mentor support
  • Encourage and support new members to join the Society


  • Activities of the CoTS will be coordinated by a committee of up to 10 members, comprising:
    – An executive team of Chair and Secretary
    – Members representing Organ Retrieval Surgery, Kidney, Liver and Pancreas Transplantation, cardio-thoracic transplantation and the Herrick Society. The Chair of the EC is a co-opted CoTS member as well.
  • The Chair of CoTS is an elected member of the BTS council and will be recommended to the General Surgery SAC.
  • Committee Members will be required to complete an annual Declaration of Interests.
  • The committee will meet at least twice a year and report on its activities to the Executive and Council of the BTS through the Chair and Councillors representing Transplant Surgery. The quorate number for meetings will be 4 people to include one Executive plus at least 3 others.
  • Committee members will typically serve 3 years although this can be extended for a further 3 year term if CoTS committee approves and the BTS president ratifies. Should responsibilities within the CoTS change within a 3 year term, the term count would be reset from that moment.
  • Members of the committee will generally be co-opted by the Chair in discussion with the BTS President.
  • Surgical members of the BTS are encouraged to offer their services to the Committee through the Chair.
These terms of reference will be reviewed annually – next review March 2022

Current Committee

Rebeca Sanabria Mateos
Adult and paediatric liver transplant surgeon, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Ms Miriam Cortes Cerisuelo
King’s College Hospital, London Secretary and Liver

Mr Jason Ali
Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge Cardiothoracic
David van Dellen
Manchester Royal Infirmary Surgical Representative Education Committee
Ms Irum Amin
Cambridge University Hospital, Cambridge Multi-organ retrieval
Mr Bimbi Fernando
Royal Free Hospital, London Member
Mr Hussein Khambalia
Manchester Royal Infirmary,  Manchester Kidney
Mr Simon Knight
Oxford University Hospital, Oxford Pancreas and CET
Mr Tom Nieto
Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester Herrick Society president
Ms Karen Stevenson
Greater Glasgow and Clyde Hospital, Glasgow Member

Position Statements

At present the CoTS are helping develop a specific Transplant Surgery training curriculum with other agencies.

More details to follow.

Job Opportunities

Units with job opportunities for trainees and consultants/ SAS’s are invited to submit adverts for jobs.

These will be advertised for a limited period of time.

No current opportunities

Monothematic Meetings

2016      Chapter of Transplant Surgeons session, ASGBI

2014      “Retrieval and Recovery”, 110 Rochester Row, London

2012      “Transplantation through the Keyhole”, IET London, Savory Place

Informal Peer Mentor Scheme

The CoTS aspires to provide an informal peer mentor scheme to allow Transplant Surgeons with concerns or difficulties to informally contact another professional member. The Committee are available to be contacted in this regard.