Window to the World

ESOT Congress 2021


29th Aug – 1st Sept

MiCo Convention Centre, Milan, Italy

ESOT Congress 2021 offers the perfect place for transplantation professionals to gather, network and discuss new and exciting topics in the field of organ transplantation.

Registration for the ESOT Congress 2021 in Milan is now open, with discounted “early bird” pricing available until 11 May 2021.

Join the 20th edition of the European Society for Organ Transplantation’s (ESOT) biennial congress! The health and safety of Congress attendees is our first and foremost priority. We are taking a number of precautions to ensure the meeting will be a safe place for delegates to join us in-person in Milan. More information on these measures can be found here.

In addition, by utilising the very best technical solutions and live streaming, we will also be able to bring the Congress to delegates wherever they are in the world, offering a truly hybrid experience

Abstract submission extended until
 23:59 CET, Thursday 25 February 2021




ESOT COVID-19 Webinar Series

ESOT launched a series of webinars on the impact of COVID-19 on organ transplantation.

Researchers and clinicians, involved in the management of transplant programs during and after the peak of the pandemic, shared their experiences and different approaches. The panellists also shared the most recent data and research on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on transplant recipients and candidates.

Recordings of these webinars are now available on demand on the ESOT’s YouTube channel.

The COVID-19 webinar series is supported by an unrestricted grant from Chiesi



ESOT Webinar: Home Sweet Home

Monday 20 July, 18:00 – 19:00 CEST

How can liver transplant patients enjoy an improved quality of life whilst being compliant with their therapy and avoiding viral infection?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, transplant patients and clinicians have been faced with considerable challenges. In particular, immunosuppressed HBV liver transplant patients are required to receive on-going therapy to prevent HBV recurrence. To achieve comprehensive protection, it is recommended that patients, particularly those in the high-risk category, are administered a combination of antivirals and Hepatitis B-specific hyperimmunoglobulins (HBIG).

The intravenous and intramuscular administration of HBIG requires HBV liver transplant patients to visit the hospital and infusion ward, meaning patients are exposed to the risk of contracting COVID-19 through increased contact with both healthcare professionals, care-givers and other patients.

Subcutaneous administration offers an alternative option that allows the patient to administer HBIG by themselves at home. This ensures the patient receives essential medication without coming in to contact with others, which both reduces the patients’ risk of exposure to COVID-19 and allows healthcare professionals to focus on COVID-19 patients. Moreover, with therapy from home, comes greater flexibility and freedoms which increases compliance and quality of life for the patient.

ESOT, together with BIOTEST, is organising this webinar to discuss how immunosuppressed transplant patients can be kept safe from HBV-reinfection and COVID-19, whilst enjoying an improved quality of life, through self-administration of subcutaneous HBIG at home.

Join us and panellists Professor Jean Hardwigsen and Dr Riccardo Volpesto learn more.
