Member News

Points of business

World Transplant Games – The bid for the WTG in 2019 was a closely fought ‘battle’ between Newcastle and Houston. I am pleased to announce the UK (Newcastle) won. Congratulations. Peer review – The Kidney and Kidney/Pancreas Unit peer review is to start in September. The Liver review will follow soon after. CRGs – Future […]

Transplant professional looking after unspecified / non-directed altruistic kidney donors?

The BOUnD Study (Barriers and Outcomes to Unspecified Kidney Donation) is looking for nurses, surgeons, nephrologists, independent assessors, living donor co-ordinators and mental health professionals involved in unspecified kidney donation.

Travelling Fellowship 2016

  Live Life Give Life (LLGL) is a small charity which focuses on raising awareness of organ donation, funding initiatives to improve the welfare of (and outcome for) patients who need transplants and encouraging people to register as organ donors which, ultimately, saves lives. The charity is delighted to offer two Travelling Fellowships in 2016 […]